Comments that Parents Hear

27 07, 2017

Comments that Parents Hear: “Your child is too smart to have an IEP.”


Fact: Intelligence has no bearing on disability or need. Even individuals with genius level IQs can have a disability that affects their ability to access the curriculum. A student with a disability and "high cognition" can have needs (organizational skills, homework completion, social skills, counseling, and classroom behavior, etc.) that need to be addressed through special education and related services. IDEA does not require schools to help a child reach their potential. However, OSEP does say that the school should "consider information about outside or extra learning support provided to the child".  This would include support the family is providing directly [...]

Comments that Parents Hear: “Your child is too smart to have an IEP.”2019-10-03T12:06:40-05:00
20 07, 2017

Comments that Parents Hear: “We place all children with Autism here.”


The IDEA regulations put an emphasis on students being served at their home campus. Courts, hearing officers, and the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) have allowed schools to place some groups of students with disabilities on one or more campuses with non-disabled students rather than on every campus. However, the law and regulations put a priority on the concept of students being educated with their peers and in the general education classroom to the extent possible. There also must be a “continuum of alternative placements” within the school.  Also a child with a disability is not to be “removed from education [...]

Comments that Parents Hear: “We place all children with Autism here.”2018-07-23T14:02:19-05:00
12 07, 2017

Comments that Parents Hear: “We do not evaluate students for dyslexia.”


Many schools do not understand dyslexia or have staff trained to evaluate for dyslexia.  While schools may have dyslexia programs, they are often weak or not available especially at the middle and high school levels, although they are required.  Many students with dyslexia are served in special education programs which may or may not be appropriate. In Texas and a few other states, schools are required to have specific programs for students with dyslexia that are not part of the special education program.  The Dyslexia Handbook: Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders is at  […]

Comments that Parents Hear: “We do not evaluate students for dyslexia.”2018-07-23T14:02:52-05:00
29 06, 2017

Comments that Parents Hear: “Since your child just moved here, there is no reason to review the IEP.”


How should you respond if the school says: “Since your child just moved here, there is no reason to review the IEP. We will just transfer the old goals to our new forms.”  Chuck Noe, Partners Resource Network’s Education Specialist, shares possible options in this post from the Comments that Parents Hear series. The regulations differentiate between a student who has transferred within the state and one who transferred from another state. If the student came from another school within the same state, the new school “in consultation with the parents” must provide FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) to the child [...]

Comments that Parents Hear: “Since your child just moved here, there is no reason to review the IEP.”2018-07-12T11:27:42-05:00
9 02, 2017

Comments that Parents Hear: “We don’t have an aide (or service, equipment item, etc.) for your child”


“We don’t have an aide (or service or equipment item, etc.) for your child, although we agree that it’s a good idea. Our budget is really tight and we just can’t afford it.” Recall the Law The school district must provide a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for children regardless of cost or funding issues. The school is required to identify building resources to meet the students’ needs. “Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.” 300.39(a) “Public agencies, therefore, must not make placement decisions based [...]

Comments that Parents Hear: “We don’t have an aide (or service, equipment item, etc.) for your child”2017-06-30T15:40:12-05:00
26 01, 2017

Comments that Parents Hear: “I have used up all the time allotted on the IEP, therefore I am now only visiting your son as a favor which is why I make unscheduled visits to his class…”


Unfortunately, parents at times realize that they are not sure of the amount of services that their child is receiving or other aspects of the delivery of related services. Recently, a parent wrote that they just learned that a COTA (Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant) rather than an OT was working with their child. “I have used up all the time allotted on the IEP, therefore I am now only visiting your son as a favor which is why I make unscheduled visits to his class. Oh, you misunderstood, I meant that the minutes on the IEP are minimum minutes, but I [...]

Comments that Parents Hear: “I have used up all the time allotted on the IEP, therefore I am now only visiting your son as a favor which is why I make unscheduled visits to his class…”2017-06-30T15:33:51-05:00


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