In Texas, each PTI service area is broken into the individual Education Service Center (ESC) Regions. Use the map below to find which PTI serves your area.

The Texas PTIs serve the following ESC regions:
What is a PTI?
Every state has at least one Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) at the U.S. Department of Education, under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
In Texas, there are four PTI projects: PACT, PATH, PEN, and TEAM.
Partners Resource Network (PRN) is a non‐profit agency that operates the Texas PTI projects as a statewide network that serves parents of children and youth with disabilities ages of 0‐26 as well as youth self ‐advocates ages 14‐26.
Check out our What is a PTI? fact sheet to learn more about PTIs and how they can help you become an effective advocate for your child with a disability.
Looking for a PTI in another state?
Visit the Center for Parent Information and Resources for a complete list of all the PTIs and CPRCs in each state.