legislative update

10 11, 2017

Changes in Texas Law on Bullying


The Texas legislature has passed a law (SB 179) that adds to the rules on harassment, bullying and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor. Starting September 1, 2017, notice of alleged bullying must be given to the parent of the target student on or before the third business day after the incident is reported.  The alleged bully’s parent is to be notified within a “reasonable time.” Chapter 37 is amended to allow for expulsion or DAEP for a student who 1) engages in bullying that encourages suicide; 2) incites violence through group bullying; or 3) releases or threatens [...]

Changes in Texas Law on Bullying2025-01-09T11:11:16-06:00
11 09, 2017

HB 21 Passed in the 2017 Texas Legislature Special Session


Grant programs for students with Autism, and another for students with Dyslexia were approved. $20 million is budgeted to fund ten public or charter schools for each program for two years beginning in the 2018-19 school year. The programs are for children three through eight years of age. Parents must give consent for their child being in the program. The programs must incorporate: evidence-based and research-based design; the use of empirical data on student achievement and improvement; parental support and collaboration; the use of technology; meaningful inclusion; the ability to replicate the program for students statewide. […]

HB 21 Passed in the 2017 Texas Legislature Special Session2018-07-23T14:07:11-05:00
28 06, 2017

2017 Texas Bills Regarding Education


Chuck Noe, PRN Education Specialist, shares his insights on newly signed Texas legislation. Please keep in mind that even though a bill is effective immediately, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) must go through the process of developing and posting rules before schools can begin implementing some of the laws. HB 1866 “Sec. 8.061.  DYSLEXIA SPECIALIST. Each regional education service center shall employ as a dyslexia specialist a person licensed as a dyslexia therapist under Chapter 403, Occupations Code, to provide school districts served by the center with support and resources that are necessary to assist students with dyslexia [...]

2017 Texas Bills Regarding Education2025-01-09T13:16:44-06:00
14 06, 2017

Texas Legislative Update for June 2017


Chuck Noe, PRN Education Specialist,  shares his insights on newly signed Texas legislation.  Please keep in mind that even though a bill is effective immediately, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) must go through the process of developing and posting rules before schools can begin implementing some of the laws. HB 657  An ARD committee (IEP team) may promote a student to the next grade level if the committee concludes that the student has made sufficient progress in the measurable academic goals contained in the student’s IEP despite not passing the STAAR.  At the beginning of each [...]

Texas Legislative Update for June 20172025-01-09T13:18:27-06:00


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