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11 09, 2018

How to Request an Initial Evaluation for Special Education Eligibility from Disability Rights Texas


If you or someone you know thinks your child may have a disability and needs special education or related services to be involved in and make progress in school, then an evaluation for special education eligibility may be appropriate.

How to Request an Initial Evaluation for Special Education Eligibility from Disability Rights Texas2019-05-23T16:39:16-05:00
29 08, 2018

New TEA Grants: Don’t Take Them for Granted

2019-03-25T16:14:36-05:00 [rescue_spacing size="20px"] Multiple Texas Education Agency (TEA) grant opportunities, listed in the Special Education Strategic Plan, have been posted on the TEA website at: TAA Posted July 9, 2018. For more information on the new 12 TEA grants, please go to

New TEA Grants: Don’t Take Them for Granted2019-03-25T16:14:36-05:00
29 08, 2018

Accommodations & Modifications


Every child with a disability has a right to attend general education classes and to have accommodations and modifications so they can be successful in those classes. These can include changes in the method of instruction, the curriculum, and the environment. Accommodations and modifications are important tools for a child to successfully accomplish Individualized Education Programs (IEP) goals and objectives and participate actively with other students in classroom and school activities. […]

Accommodations & Modifications2018-08-29T12:32:08-05:00
27 08, 2018

Modifications, Accommodations, and Supports for Students


For many students with disabilities—and for many without—the key to success in the classroom lies in having appropriate adaptations, accommodations, and modifications made to the instruction and other classroom activities. Some adaptations are as simple as moving a distractible student to the front of the class or away from the pencil sharpener or the window. Other modifications may involve changing the way that material is presented or the way that students respond to show their learning. Adaptations, accommodations, and modifications need to be individualized for students, based upon their needs and their personal learning styles and interests. It is not always [...]

Modifications, Accommodations, and Supports for Students2018-08-27T11:56:40-05:00
22 08, 2018

Outside the Box College Accommodations for Students with Mental Health Disabilities


Students who have a mental health condition may need additional support to help them do the best they can in school and work. The “Americans with Disabilities Act” (ADA) entitles students with disabilities, like mental health conditions, to get academic help with academic accommodations and other legal rights. Most schools are used to providing typical accommodations such as: note taker, extra time for assignments, and assistive technology for students of many different disabilities. Yet, the challenges of having a mental health condition are unique. These tips will help you to think “outside-the-box” to get the educational accommodations that help you with [...]

Outside the Box College Accommodations for Students with Mental Health Disabilities2018-08-22T16:41:38-05:00
22 08, 2018

5 Ways to Use Slow Processing Speed Accommodations at Home


Not all kids work at the same pace. As an educator, I’ve seen many kids with slow processing speed who are smart, but who struggle to keep up with the pace in the classroom. When these kids are at school, they are (or should be) given accommodations like extra time or pre-made notes to help them navigate their school day successfully. With all the pressures of parenting, however, it’s a different story at home. Parents often want kids to hurry up and finish their homework or chores so they can move on to the next activity on the to-do list. That’s [...]

5 Ways to Use Slow Processing Speed Accommodations at Home2018-08-22T16:26:55-05:00


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