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17 08, 2017

Talking to Your Child About Social and Emotional Issues


When your child struggles with social and emotional issues, it can be a challenge to talk to him about the issues he faces. Avoiding the subject isn’t helpful. But helping your child put it in perspective is. The goal is to let your child see himself as someone who struggles with specific things—not with everything. The first step is to isolate his area of difficulty and name it. This will give him a sense of control over his situation. Use language like, “You’re the kind of person who…” and “You and other kids….” Emphasizing that he’s not the only person who [...]

Talking to Your Child About Social and Emotional Issues2018-07-23T14:08:38-05:00
17 08, 2017

Dual Enrollment and Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD)


PPCD stands for Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities. It is important to remember that the second “P” represents “Programs” and not “Place.” PPCD programs are not limited to a self-contained classroom on an elementary or early childhood campus. The law requires a full continuum of services to educate young children with disabilities. Local Education Agencies (school districts and charter schools) offer services to preschoolers with disabilities in a variety of settings based on the child’s individual needs, always considering services in the least restrictive environment (Head Start, Pre-K/Kindergarten general education classroom) first. […]

Dual Enrollment and Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD)2017-08-17T09:54:11-05:00
16 08, 2017

How Do I Get My Child’s IEP Going at the Beginning of the School Year?


My daughter got her first IEP last spring when she was a fifth grader. She started attending middle school this fall and it seems to be taking a long time for the school to line up some of her service providers. Is there anything I can do to help get her IEP going at the beginning of the school year? Unfortunately, this problem is not uncommon. Schools often have to deal with faculty and staff leaving and new faculty and staff starting. Schedules sometimes change at the last minute. A new school year may also come with shifts in policies and [...]

How Do I Get My Child’s IEP Going at the Beginning of the School Year?2018-07-12T11:12:27-05:00
16 08, 2017

What is Dual Enrollment?


Families of 3- and 4-year-olds in Texas have an option available to them called “Dual Enrollment.” In Texas, children ages 3 and 4 can go to a private preschool and receive services, such as speech therapy, through the public school. As another option, preschoolers may stay home (like many children this age do) and receive needed public school services. Recognizing that many PPCD programs are designed only for students with disabilities, Texas made the decision to allow 3- and 4-year-olds to be dually enrolled to give them more opportunities to interact with their typically developing peers. […]

What is Dual Enrollment?2018-07-23T14:08:52-05:00
14 08, 2017

Hello from Austin, TX

2017-08-14T23:26:13-05:00 [rescue_spacing size="20px"] Kristina, Kim, Laura and Lisa attended the PTAC conference earlier this month to gear up for the new school year. If you would like more information about the services provided by the Texas Parent Training and Information (PTI) projects, please visit call our state office at 409.898.4684.

Hello from Austin, TX2017-08-14T23:26:13-05:00
14 08, 2017

Join us tomorrow for the Negotiation 101 webinar at 12:15 p.m.


Did you miss the Negotiation 101 webinar? Don’t worry, we recorded it just for you!  The recording of the Negotiation 101 webinar is available for a limited time! Kim, Kristina and the PRN specialist team hope you join us tomorrow, August 15, at 12:15 p.m. CST for our next Statewide webinar Negotiation 101: How to Get the Special Education Services Your Child Needs.  We will discuss negotiation strategies used to effectively gain appropriate special education services for your child. These strategies can help you become a more successful member of your child's IEP team! Register for this webinar at

Join us tomorrow for the Negotiation 101 webinar at 12:15 p.m.2018-07-23T14:09:04-05:00


Partners Resource Network

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