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20 07, 2017

Comments that Parents Hear: “We place all children with Autism here.”


The IDEA regulations put an emphasis on students being served at their home campus. Courts, hearing officers, and the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) have allowed schools to place some groups of students with disabilities on one or more campuses with non-disabled students rather than on every campus. However, the law and regulations put a priority on the concept of students being educated with their peers and in the general education classroom to the extent possible. There also must be a “continuum of alternative placements” within the school.  Also a child with a disability is not to be “removed from education [...]

Comments that Parents Hear: “We place all children with Autism here.”2018-07-23T14:02:19-05:00
19 07, 2017

My Child Has a Lot of Trouble With Social Skills. Should I Be Worried About Autism?


[rescue_box color=”blue” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”]This Q&A is from and Sheldon H. Horowitz, Ed.D. [/rescue_box] My son has a lot of trouble with social skills, and I’m beginning to suspect he has autism. What’s the difference between autism and the social challenges associated with learning and attention issues? Social challenges are one of the hallmarks of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with high-functioning autism or Asperger’s syndrome may share some characteristics with kids who have learning and attention issues. For example, there’s a lot of overlap between nonverbal learning disabilities and Asperger’s syndrome. Kids with milder forms of ASD may also share some [...]

My Child Has a Lot of Trouble With Social Skills. Should I Be Worried About Autism?2018-07-23T14:02:30-05:00
17 07, 2017

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities


This article from will help you understand what Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NVLD) are, skills affected by NVLD, how NVLD is diagnosed, and how you can help your child. Many people think of “learning disabilities” as issues with verbal skills such as reading or writing. But what if your child has strong verbal skills and a big vocabulary, but doesn’t understand when somebody is being sarcastic? What if he reads at an advanced level but can’t tell you the most important parts of the story? These are classic signs of nonverbal learning disabilities (NVLD). NVLD is a brain-based condition that affects [...]

Nonverbal Learning Disabilities2019-10-03T13:13:43-05:00
12 07, 2017

Comments that Parents Hear: “We do not evaluate students for dyslexia.”


Many schools do not understand dyslexia or have staff trained to evaluate for dyslexia.  While schools may have dyslexia programs, they are often weak or not available especially at the middle and high school levels, although they are required.  Many students with dyslexia are served in special education programs which may or may not be appropriate. In Texas and a few other states, schools are required to have specific programs for students with dyslexia that are not part of the special education program.  The Dyslexia Handbook: Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders is at  […]

Comments that Parents Hear: “We do not evaluate students for dyslexia.”2018-07-23T14:02:52-05:00
11 07, 2017

Noneducational Community-Based Support Services


In 1995, the Texas Legislature appropriated funds for the provision of noneducational community-based support services for certain students with disabilities and their families so that those students may receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). These funds may be used only for eligible students with disabilities who, without the provision of noneducational community-based support services, would remain or would have to be placed in residential facilities for education reasons. The intent of the state legislation is for schools to provide services that are unallowable purchases with education funds, to help families of this population [...]

Noneducational Community-Based Support Services2017-07-11T10:31:58-05:00
11 07, 2017

Dyslexia: What Is and What Isn’t?

2018-07-23T14:03:06-05:00 [rescue_spacing size=”10px”] If you’ve heard the term dyslexia and aren’t sure what it means, you’re not alone. People tend to have a lot of questions about dyslexia. Is it a general term that covers many kinds of learning issues? How is it different from (or the same as) a specific learning disability? The answers here can help you develop a better understanding of dyslexia. What exactly is dyslexia? Dyslexia is a brain-based condition. It causes difficulty with reading, spelling, writing and sometimes speaking. In people with dyslexia, the brain has trouble recognizing or processing certain types of information. This [...]

Dyslexia: What Is and What Isn’t?2018-07-23T14:03:06-05:00


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