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16 05, 2017

Extended School Year (ESY) for Kids with Autism


If your child with autism is like mine, he thrives on routine. Set up a program that works for him, and he’s up with the sun, ready to jump on the school bus, and eager to do what he’s done yesterday and the day before. Then the school year ends. And for many families, the problems begin. Children with autism have a tough time adjusting to transitions and change.  But summer is all about vacations to new places, interactions with extended family, different routines, and unexpected events. What’s even tougher is the reality that children with autism, unlike typical children, have a [...]

Extended School Year (ESY) for Kids with Autism2017-06-30T15:17:56-05:00
15 05, 2017

What Are Extended School Year (ESY) Services?


If your child receives special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), did you know he or she may be eligible for a program of special education and/or services beyond the normal school year? Such services are commonly referred to as extended school year (ESY) services. Read on to learn how ESY might help your child, the types of services it might include, and how the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team would determine if your child is eligible. ESY services are individualized special education and/or related services (such as speech/language therapy or occupational therapy) that are uniquely designed to provide a [...]

What Are Extended School Year (ESY) Services?2019-06-25T12:11:17-05:00
8 05, 2017

Common Mistakes that Undermine Parents’ Ability to Obtain Appropriate Services


Because the stakes are so high, it is sometimes difficult for parents of children with special educational needs to advocate calmly and objectively for the educational and related services their children need. Here are some common mistakes that undermine parents’ ability to obtain appropriate services: […]

Common Mistakes that Undermine Parents’ Ability to Obtain Appropriate Services2017-06-30T15:20:08-05:00
8 05, 2017

Bullying in Texas Schools


Texas laws require schools and school administrators to take actions to prevent bullying and to investigate reports of bullying.  The law breaks bullying into 3 components: Conduct:  Physical conduct that occurs at school, a school function, or in a school vehicle. - Written, verbal or electronic expression.; Motivation:  Bullying involves exploiting an imbalance of power. - Exploit: "to use selfishly for one's ends." - Exploitation involves intentional conduct.; Effect: The conduct must either 1) interfere with the student's education; or 2) substantially disrupt the operation of the school. Regarding interfering with a student's education, a school attorney said that bullying is:  “Physical harm [...]

Bullying in Texas Schools2019-10-03T11:51:45-05:00
8 05, 2017

A Parent’s Guide to Effective Instruction for Students with Dyslexia


Reading problems are the most common type of academic underachievement. Especially for students with dyslexia, learning to read and write can be exceedingly difficult. Dyslexia and related reading and language difficulties are the result of neurobiological variations, but they can be treated with effective instruction. Effective instruction is instruction that is tied to student needs, as determined by diagnostic testing and evaluation. It is instruction delivered by knowledgeable and skilled individuals in a step-by-step fashion that leads to the achievement of desired outcomes or goals by targeting a student’s relative strengths and strengthening his or her relative weaknesses. Effective instruction also [...]

A Parent’s Guide to Effective Instruction for Students with Dyslexia2017-06-30T15:23:02-05:00
8 05, 2017

The Dyslexia-Stress-Anxiety Connection


Stress is the reaction of the body and brain to situations that put us in harm’s way. The stressor may be a physical threat (e.g., a baseball coming quickly toward you) or a psychological threat (e.g., a worry or fear that you will make a mistake delivering your lines in a play or write a passage that won’t make sense to the reader). Stress, or more specifically, the stress response, is our body’s attempt to keep us safe from harm. It’s a biological and psychological response. When we’re under stress, the chemistry of our body and [...]

The Dyslexia-Stress-Anxiety Connection2024-04-12T14:34:37-05:00


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