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8 05, 2017

5 School Trouble Spots


Getting your child an appropriate educational program is hard enough, but even if you’ve dotted every “i” and crossed every “t” on the IEP, or chatted up every teacher on your child’s strengths and weaknesses, there will still be times during the school day when all those helps fall down a hole. Periods like recess and lunch and gym and locales like restrooms and buses are hard for most school kids — there are volumes of children’s literature devoted to them.  But for kids with special needs, those youthful rites of passage can be downright dangerous. […]

5 School Trouble Spots2018-07-23T14:00:41-05:00
3 05, 2017

Awkward! The Tough Transition to Middle School


[rescue_box color="blue" text_align="left" width="100%" float="none"]Article by Kelly Wallace, CNN [/rescue_box] There is a reason why when people post pictures of themselves during their middle school years on Facebook for "Throw Back Thursday," we all stop and take notice. We recognize the fear or uncertainty or absolute angst in their eyes. Raging hormones. Changing bodies. Awkward social interactions. No longer a child but not yet an adult. Those are just a few of the zillion reasons why most of us would never want to go back to that time, and why some parents of beginning middle schoolers are freaking out as school starts. [...]

Awkward! The Tough Transition to Middle School2019-10-03T11:45:08-05:00
2 05, 2017

The State of LD: Understanding Learning and Attention Issues


1 in 5 children in the U.S. have learning and attention issues Children with dyslexia, ADHD and other kinds of learning and attention issues are as smart as their peers. But without the right support, many fall behind academically and struggle socially. They’re more likely to repeat a grade, get in trouble at school or with the law, drop out and struggle as adults to find work. But this downward spiral can be prevented. This data-intensive report form NCLD provides insights into the challenges facing the 1 in 5 as well as specifics on how to improve outcomes in school, work and [...]

The State of LD: Understanding Learning and Attention Issues2017-06-30T15:29:17-05:00
24 04, 2017

Disability Disclosure in Postsecondary Education

2017-06-30T15:54:36-05:00 Accommodations at the postsecondary level (after you exit high school) are provided only when a student discloses his or her disability and requests reasonable accommodations. It is not essential to divulge specific personal information about your disability. What is most important and helpful is to provide information about:  how your disability affects your capacity to learn and study effectively the environment, supports, and services you’ll need in order to access, participate in, and excel in your area of study YOU decide what and how much information is necessary to reveal in order to obtain the needed accommodations.  Keep the [...]

Disability Disclosure in Postsecondary Education2017-06-30T15:54:36-05:00
10 04, 2017

6 Options for Resolving an IEP Dispute


No matter how good your relationship with a school, there may come a time when you and the school disagree over what’s best for your child. Conflicts can arise over the amount or quality of services that the school is providing in your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Sometimes the disagreement may be about your child’s placement. The good news is that the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) gives you several ways to resolve disputes. Here are six options for resolving an IEP dispute: 1. Informal Negotiation: Talking with the School during IEP Meetings You’re part of the IEP team. [...]

6 Options for Resolving an IEP Dispute2017-06-30T15:30:47-05:00
3 04, 2017

Who Won Endrew F?


[rescue_box color="blue" text_align="left" width="100%" float="none"]Article by Jim Gerl, Special Education Blog @ [/rescue_box] I got an email from a reporter last week asking a fascinating question: did parents or school districts win in the Endrew F decision by the US Supreme Court? You can read the entire high court decision here. Also our previous posts concerning the case are available here and here. The reporter noted that it seems that parent groups are hailing the decision as a victory for them while at the same time school district groups are saying that they are already providing educational benefit at the [...]

Who Won Endrew F?2017-06-30T15:30:14-05:00


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