
24 01, 2019

Student Progress Monitoring: What It Means for Your Child


Our children’s progress is being monitored constantly at school, through the steady stream of homework assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, and standardized tests. On first hearing the term ‘student progress monitoring,’ our initial reaction may be ‘they’re doing this already!’ or ‘more tests?’. But do you really know how much your child is learning or progressing? Standardized tests compare your child’s performance with other children’s or with state standards. However, these tests are given at the end of the year; the teacher who has been working with your child during the year will not be able to use the test results to [...]

Student Progress Monitoring: What It Means for Your Child2019-05-20T12:28:43-05:00
9 01, 2019

7 Ways to Include a Student with Special Needs in Physical Education


Does your child participate in physical education at school? Studies have found that special education students are less likely to be enrolled in physical education compared to their general education peers. Here are 7 everyday challenges and solutions in physical education today, all of which can be written into a student’s IEP.

7 Ways to Include a Student with Special Needs in Physical Education2019-05-20T12:36:11-05:00
7 01, 2019

We Need Your Questions for TEA!


Partners Resource Network is doing a series of collaborative webinars with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) starting on January 29, 2019. During these webinars, TEA will do a Q&A section based on questions submitted prior to each collaborative webinar. After each webinar, the resulting Q&A will be provided in a document form in both English and Spanish. We strongly encourage you to submit your questions, even if they are not directly related to the pre-determined topics of our currently planned webinars! This is a great opportunity to get your questions answered by TEA personnel. Submit your questions for the January 29th [...]

We Need Your Questions for TEA!2019-05-20T12:38:52-05:00
3 01, 2019

Making Your Case: Useful Strategies to Obtain Special Education Services


Planning and preparation are on-going activities that contribute significantly to success in the IEP process. You cannot control what others do, but you can control what you do. Being prepared for problem-solving in the IEP meeting (in Texas, this meeting is called an ARD) will help you to become a full, meaningful participant in the meeting, as well as to be respected by the other ARD team members. […]

Making Your Case: Useful Strategies to Obtain Special Education Services2019-05-20T13:26:53-05:00
12 12, 2018

What Can I Do if I Think the School’s Evaluation is Wrong?


Ask for an Independent Evaluation If you think the school’s evaluation does not accurately measure your child’s need for special education, you may get an independent education evaluation (IEE) at your own expense and/or request an independent evaluation at the school’s expense. Download a sample letter for requesting an independent evaluation from the IDEA Manual > Independent evaluations are done by qualifed persons who are not employed by the school. You may ask the school how and where to get an independent evaluation or you may get the independent evaluation done by someone not recommended by the school, as long as this [...]

What Can I Do if I Think the School’s Evaluation is Wrong?2022-12-02T11:05:21-06:00
11 12, 2018

What Is an IEP?


The Individual Education Program (IEP) is a written plan, designed just for one student. It is an agreement between the school and parents on how the student will be educated. Although the IEP is not as detailed as a teacher’s lesson plan, it must contain measurable annual goals in each area of need. The IEP states what special education and related services and supplemental aids and services the school will provide, and when and where those services will be provided. The IEP must consider and address the academic, developmental, and functional needs of the student. Services must be based on peer-reviewed [...]

What Is an IEP?2019-05-21T12:57:16-05:00


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