
29 11, 2018

Is FAPE Required Under a 504 Plan?


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance, including federal funds. Section 504 provides that: “No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States . . . shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance . . .”1 The U.S. Department of Education (ED) enforces Section 504 in programs and activities that receive funds from ED. Recipients [...]

Is FAPE Required Under a 504 Plan?2019-05-22T11:51:10-05:00
29 11, 2018

Is It an Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) or ADHD?


Does your child struggle to block out background noise, follow conversations or pronounce words correctly? She may have an auditory processing disorder. Henry is fidgety and distractible during classroom activities, according to his second grade teacher. During gym class, he gets cranky and lashes out at classmates who “are yelling at me and telling me what to do.” His mother has noticed similar behaviors at home. When he’s doing homework, she says, “He uses every little sound as an excuse to delay getting down to work.” Even the dishwasher distracts him, despite the fact that the kitchen is on the other [...]

Is It an Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) or ADHD?2019-05-22T13:40:51-05:00
6 11, 2018

Tips to Communicate Effectively


It is always best to try to resolve any issue at the lowest possible level with the simplest means of communication available. If you think you can resolve an issue by talking with the teacher, do it. If it doesn’t work, go to the next level. It is good practice to ask people how they prefer to be contacted. Some teachers are comfortable with parents contacting them in person (unscheduled) for minor matters. Some prefer telephone or e-mail contact, and others prefer a scheduled conference to discuss matters. Determine the preferred method and try to use it whenever possible. You should [...]

Tips to Communicate Effectively2019-05-22T13:59:36-05:00
6 11, 2018

Self-Advocacy is a Valuable Skill for Your Teenager with LD


If your teen has a learning disability, self-awareness and self-advocacy are keys to her future success. The ability to self-advocate is important for kids to learn in order to be successful at all stages of their lives. In the past, self-advocacy was a term applied mostly to adults with disabilities, but recently more focus has been placed on teaching this skill to preteens and teenagers. Self-advocacy is understanding your strengths and needs, identifying your personal goals, knowing your legal rights and responsibilities, and communicating these to others. Because your child lives with his learning struggles on a daily basis, he must [...]

Self-Advocacy is a Valuable Skill for Your Teenager with LD2019-05-23T12:07:37-05:00
31 10, 2018

3 Tips for Keeping an IEP Current


The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a formal commitment from the school that outlines the services and support it will provide to an eligible child in order for the child to benefit from the educational program. An IEP must be developed before a student can begin receiving special education services. It also must be reviewed and updated each year so that the child receives the most appropriate services he needs at that time. […]

3 Tips for Keeping an IEP Current2019-05-23T12:20:38-05:00


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