
29 05, 2018

FAPE | Key Definitions in IDEA


FAPE is an acronym that stands for free appropriate public education.  A cornerstone of IDEA, our nation’s special education law, is that each eligible child with a disability is entitled to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet the child’s unique needs and that prepares the child for further education, employment, and independent living. Defined in IDEA at | 34 CFR §300.17, as follows: 300.17 Free appropriate public education. Free appropriate public education or FAPE means special education and related services that— (a) Are provided at public expense, under public supervision and [...]

FAPE | Key Definitions in IDEA2019-09-24T11:40:15-05:00
29 05, 2018

Endrew F. Question and Answer Document


On March 22, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District Re-1, 137 S.Ct. 988. In this decision, the court held that “to meet its substantive obligation under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a school must offer [a child] an IEP [individualized education program] reasonably calculated to enable a child to make progress appropriate in light of the child’s circumstances.” […]

Endrew F. Question and Answer Document2018-07-23T14:37:34-05:00
29 05, 2018

Making My Way through College


Making My Way through College is a guide for any student pursuing a degree or other type of credential (e.g., certification, license) at a two-year or four-year community college, college, or university. You will find information on a variety of topics relevant to preparing for and succeeding in college and transitioning from college into the world of work. Much of the information provided is relevant to all students, but the primary focus of the guide is on navigating the college experience for students with disabilities or those who think they may have a disability. [...]

Making My Way through College2025-01-08T10:56:42-06:00
18 05, 2018

5 Top Tips About the 2018 STAAR Test


With STAAR testing season in full swing, teachers are prepping, kids are stressing, and parents are…questioning? The lack of clarity around the STAAR test and the Texas state standards can be disheartening and stressful for a passionate parent trying to ensure their child succeeds. If you can relate, don’t worry – you don’t have to be a STAAR test expert to be a great mom or dad. We are the experts and we’re excited to help! After a few years of running our DFW-wide STAAR preparatory program, we’ve learned some really valuable things to share with you… […]

5 Top Tips About the 2018 STAAR Test2018-07-23T14:38:02-05:00
16 05, 2018

Services for Secondary Age Students with Autism or Social Skill Deficits


Services for students with disabilities for students in junior high/middle and high schools present issues and problems to parents, teachers, and administrators. At these campuses most students have many teachers, and change classes after each period. Teachers feel stretched dealing with a 100+ students a day. They have difficulty keeping up with IEPs, and required accommodations, in addition to the needs of all students, and the demands on them as teachers. There is also a general attitude that the students are “old enough” to be responsible for their actions, i.e., if the student is not being [...]

Services for Secondary Age Students with Autism or Social Skill Deficits2025-01-08T14:10:17-06:00
16 05, 2018

Options for Summer Services for Students with Disabilities


A variety of situations arise where parents, and others feel that summer services for a student would be beneficial so that they do not regress in certain skills, continue their multisensory reading program, or gain more access to the general curriculum, and perhaps perform closer to their grade level. IDEA rules require schools to provide extended school year (ESY) services when an ARD/IEP team determine they are needed for the provision of FAPE to a student. States develop standards for providing ESY. Some states, and Texas have chosen a standard that focuses on a student regressing in important or crucial skills. [...]

Options for Summer Services for Students with Disabilities2018-07-23T14:39:57-05:00


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