
16 05, 2018

TEA Special Education Improvement Plan Takeaways!


In case you missed our last webinar on TEA Special Education Improvement Plan or, like us, would like to have one source for the major TAKEAWAYS then consider reading/printing Chuck’s TEA-IP major points. These are: 1. A high goal is being set. “For the majority of students served by special education, performing on level academically with their non-disabled peers is an attainable and reasonable goal.” Pg. 7. Focus should go beyond access to supports, “but also on improved outcomes from those supports.” This plan “is organized around a few primary focus areas: Monitoring Identification, Evaluation, and the offer of Free Appropriate [...]

TEA Special Education Improvement Plan Takeaways!2018-07-23T14:40:11-05:00
16 05, 2018

Evaluation and IEP Timelines


The school must take steps to ensure that parents are present at each ARD/IEP meeting or are afforded the opportunity to participate, including notifying them of the meeting early enough to ensure that they will have an opportunity to attend and scheduling the meeting at a mutually agreed upon time and place. The school must allow parents who cannot attend to participate in the meeting through other methods such as telephone calls, or video conferencing.

Evaluation and IEP Timelines2019-06-25T12:09:31-05:00
15 05, 2018

FAQs About Evaluations for Learning and Attention Issues


Deciding to have your child evaluated for learning and attention issues is a big step. You may have questions about the process. Here are some frequently asked questions about evaluations from What are the benefits of getting my child evaluated? The evaluation process can provide more information about the specific issues that are causing your child’s difficulty with learning. It’s also a way to see if your child is eligible for special education services. Having special education services can give your child extra support in the classroom to make learning a little easier. […]

FAQs About Evaluations for Learning and Attention Issues2018-07-23T14:40:37-05:00
10 05, 2018

5 Options for Resolving a 504 Plan Dispute


Sometimes, a school district and parents disagree on the details or delivery of a child’s 504 plan. Some disagreements become serious disputes. A good example is when a school won’t provide assistive technology for a child. The term “504 plan” is from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, a federal law protecting the civil rights of people with disabilities. Section 504 provides several ways to resolve conflicts. However, the federal law leaves many of the details up to individual states and school districts. Schools are required to notify parents about the process and usually do so in writing. If your child [...]

5 Options for Resolving a 504 Plan Dispute2018-07-23T14:41:39-05:00
10 05, 2018

What Are Related Services and How Are They Provided?


Related services are the supportive services or activities necessary for some students with disabilities to maximize their educational outcomes. Any related service or support that helps a student to benefit from or achieve the goals set out in his or her individualized education program (IEP) should be provided by the appropriate related services personnel. Special education and related services are intended to be flexible to meet the needs of an individual student. Appropriately matched to those needs, related services can assist students with disabilities by helping them to: […]

What Are Related Services and How Are They Provided?2018-07-23T14:41:52-05:00
9 05, 2018

Autism Services in Texas: 2018 Update from the TCDD


As the understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) evolves, so do the programs and services that are designed to support people with ASD and their families. The Texas Legislature and the federal government have taken steps to expand and improve services for people with ASD, but many people still don’t have access to adequate supports and services. However, statewide planning for services and supports is challenging because understanding of ASD is evolving, individual needs can vary widely, and the availability of services does not currently meet the known demand. This article from the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities will help you [...]

Autism Services in Texas: 2018 Update from the TCDD2019-10-03T11:41:12-05:00


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