
16 02, 2018

IEP Meeting Conversation Stoppers


Some of the statements made to parents at IEP meetings are “conversation stoppers” — comments that create barriers and can prevent the IEP team from working cooperatively to develop effective special education services and supports for students with disabilities. Here are nine common “conversation stoppers,” some information about what may be the real issues of concern and suggestions for how parents can respond in a forceful but respectful way so that planning for their child can move forward. […]

IEP Meeting Conversation Stoppers2018-02-16T08:52:24-06:00
15 02, 2018

Student-Centered Funding Pilot


The U.S. Department of Education (Department) will host two webinars regarding a new pilot to afford local educational agencies (LEAs) flexibility to create equitable, student-centered funding systems Wednesday, February 21 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM Eastern Time and Thursday, February 22 from 12:30 to 2:00 PM Eastern Time. The intended audience is LEAs, though other interested parties are also welcome. The webinars will include identical information, and the Department will take questions using the chat feature. To join a webinar, please select the link for the relevant session. Pre-registration is not required. The webinars will be recorded, and the recordings – [...]

Student-Centered Funding Pilot2018-02-15T09:13:38-06:00
13 02, 2018

TEA Parent Focus Groups – Special Education Corrective Actions


Texas Project First has just released the following update: During the 2016-2017 school year, the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) performed a series of onsite monitoring visits to review Texas’ compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The final report was provided to TEA on January 10, 2018. The findings from that report require TEA to develop a plan to address four corrective actions. An integral part of the plan development process will be the gathering of input from stakeholders and other interested Texans. TEA will be conducting a series of focus group [...]

TEA Parent Focus Groups – Special Education Corrective Actions2018-02-13T12:33:05-06:00
13 02, 2018

Tips for Teens: Use Your IEP Meetings to Learn How to Advocate for Yourself


Self-advocacy is a key step in becoming an adult. It means looking out for yourself, telling people what you need, and knowing how to take responsibility. No one is born knowing these skills. Everyone has to learn them. Ready to begin learning? Here is some great information that can start you on your way. […]

Tips for Teens: Use Your IEP Meetings to Learn How to Advocate for Yourself2018-02-13T09:21:43-06:00
13 02, 2018

Learning to Read and Write are Important, but so are Functional Skills


Learning to read and write are important, but so are functional skills, that can help a child live a full and enriched life! This article shares 3 parenting tips that you can use in your advocacy efforts! Tip 1: Use Federal special education law Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA 2004 to strengthen your advocacy efforts for functional skill training. IDEA states that every IEP that is developed for a child must contain a statement of the child’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance. What does this mean for your child? Your child’s IEP should state what level [...]

Learning to Read and Write are Important, but so are Functional Skills2018-02-13T12:36:25-06:00
12 02, 2018

New FAQ’s about RtI and Children Not Eligible for Special Education


Response to Intervention (RtI) is an approach that schools use to help all students, including struggling learners. The RtI approach gives Texas students opportunities to learn and work at their grade level. The idea is to help all students be successful. Senate Bill (SB) 1153, 85th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, changed Texas Education Code (TEC), Section 26.0081. The changes require the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to update the Student Handbook Statement. The changes also require local educational agencies (LEAs) to provide parents with notice whenever their child begins to receive intervention strategies (Response to Intervention, RtI). The notice must contain specific [...]

New FAQ’s about RtI and Children Not Eligible for Special Education2018-02-13T09:08:54-06:00


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