
23 01, 2018

4 Important Signs That Your Child’s IEP Is Working


The Individualized Education Program (or IEP) lays out the school’s commitment to provide special education and related services to your child. Developed annually, an IEP must be tailored to the individual needs of your child, with your involvement and input. Once formulated, the IEP becomes your roadmap to track your child’s progress throughout the year. Here Are Four Important Signs That Your Child’s IEP Is Working: 1. Your child’s IEP has been reviewed by all teachers and related service providers. All school personnel involved with your child’s education should be aware of and have access to your child’s IEP. This includes [...]

4 Important Signs That Your Child’s IEP Is Working2018-10-31T10:21:20-05:00
22 01, 2018

Parent Participation in IEP Meetings


IEP meetings can be emotional and overwhelming, but knowing how to work with the education team effectively is very important. You are a key member of the IEP team with the unique perspective that comes with the long view of your child’s developmental history, dreams, and resources. Your participation is very important. As the IDEA notes: “Almost 30 years of research and experience has demonstrated that the education of children with disabilities can be made more effective by… strengthening the role and responsibility of parents and ensuring that families … have meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children [...]

Parent Participation in IEP Meetings2018-07-23T14:34:38-05:00
19 01, 2018

New & Improved IEP Meetings


The words, “IEP meeting,” can strike fear in the hearts of parents and educators alike.  Anger, apprehension, dread, and a variety of other emotions may rise to the surface in anticipation of the meeting in which an Individual Education Program is written for a student who receives special education services. But we can change this!  And many of the tips from Kathie Snow's  "New & Improved" IEP Meetings article can be used at any type of “I” meeting. Download the PDF at

New & Improved IEP Meetings2018-01-08T12:57:10-06:00
17 01, 2018

What Treatments are Available for Speech, Language and Motor Issues for Children with Autism?


The following therapies—also called “allied health services”—address symptoms commonly associated with autism, but are not specific to the disorder. Speech-Language Therapy Most autism behavioral intensive therapy programs include speech-language therapy. With a variety of techniques, speech-language therapy addresses a range of challenges often faced by persons with autism. For instance, some individuals on the autism spectrum do not speak, while others love to talk but have difficulty using conversational speech and/or understanding the nuances of language and nonverbal cues when talking with others. Speech-language therapy is designed to coordinate the mechanics of speech with the meaning and social use of language. [...]

What Treatments are Available for Speech, Language and Motor Issues for Children with Autism?2018-07-23T14:24:33-05:00
16 01, 2018

What are Supplementary Aids and Services?


According to IDEA, Supplementary Aids and Services means, aids, services and other supports that are provided in regular education classes or other education-related settings to enable children with disabilities to be educated with nondisabled children to the maximum extent appropriate. Supplementary Aids and Services can include changes in: […]

What are Supplementary Aids and Services?2018-07-23T14:24:46-05:00


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