
19 09, 2017

How Can We Help Kids With Transitions?


Many children struggle with transitions, which are common triggers for behaviors that range from annoying (whining, stalling) to upsetting (tantrums and meltdowns). There are many ways parents and teacher can help kids have an easier time with transitions — and be able to behave better—but  it may take a little experimentation to find out what clicks with each particular child. These tools are useful  to help kids of all stripes with transitions. But for kids with ADHD, anxiety, autism, or sensory processing, this kind of scaffolding is particularly crucial and can make the difference between a good day and a bad one. Over a period [...]

How Can We Help Kids With Transitions?2018-07-23T14:06:42-05:00
14 09, 2017

Texas Autism Supplement


Texas regulations (TAC 89.1055) require ARD/IEP committees to consider eleven strategies for students with autism. Schools sometimes use the term “Autism Supplement” to refer to a form that they use at ARD/IEP meetings to address these strategies. This fact sheet can help parents in the development of adequate and appropriate strategies for their child with autism.

Texas Autism Supplement2019-05-21T10:30:55-05:00
11 09, 2017

HB 21 Passed in the 2017 Texas Legislature Special Session


Grant programs for students with Autism, and another for students with Dyslexia were approved. $20 million is budgeted to fund ten public or charter schools for each program for two years beginning in the 2018-19 school year. The programs are for children three through eight years of age. Parents must give consent for their child being in the program. The programs must incorporate: evidence-based and research-based design; the use of empirical data on student achievement and improvement; parental support and collaboration; the use of technology; meaningful inclusion; the ability to replicate the program for students statewide. […]

HB 21 Passed in the 2017 Texas Legislature Special Session2018-07-23T14:07:11-05:00
11 09, 2017

Signs Your Young Child Might Be Struggling With Anxiety


Childhood is full of new experiences that can feel scary to young kids. Think about learning to ride a bike or starting at a new school, for example. Kids with learning and attention issues may be even more likely than their peers to worry about school, social activities and change. And they may be more likely to develop anxiety. Do you think your preschooler or grade-schooler may be struggling with anxiety? Here are some signs you might see, according to John Piacentini, Ph.D., and Lindsey Bergman, Ph.D., experts from the UCLA Child Anxiety Resilience Education and Supports (CARES) Center. [...]

Signs Your Young Child Might Be Struggling With Anxiety2018-07-23T14:07:22-05:00
11 09, 2017

Does ADHD Raise the Risk of Mental Health Issues?


Children who have ADHD are more likely than other kids to experience other mental health problems. A recent study followed kids with ADHD from the age of 8 into adulthood. It found that those with ADHD are at greater risk for behavioral issues, learning issues, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and self-injury. Adolescence is when kids with ADHD are most at risk of developing another issue. Knowledge, though, means power. Learn what behaviors and symptoms might develop and how to spot them. Then you can take action early. This will result in a much better outcome for your child. [...]

Does ADHD Raise the Risk of Mental Health Issues?2017-09-11T16:31:57-05:00
11 09, 2017

Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit from Autism Speaks


Sometimes the difficulties of autism can lead to behaviors that are quite challenging to understand and address.  Autism Speaks has a a video series and tool kit on challenging behaviors.  The  Autism Speaks Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit can be downloaded through their website at here: In the video series, Nicole Weidenbaum, M.S.Ed., SAS, Executive Director, Nassau Suffolk Services for Autism, addresses questions about challenging behaviors. Questions addressed: 1) What are challenging behaviors? 2) What's the most important thing to know about challenging behaviors? 3) What's important to know about aggressive or self-injurious behaviors?

Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit from Autism Speaks2017-09-11T16:10:22-05:00


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