
5 09, 2017

Hurricane Assistance


Emergency Phone Numbers First, call 911. If you can’t get through to 911 on first try, keep calling. Jefferson County Emergency Management Address: 1149 Pearl St, Beaumont, TX 77701 Phone: (409) 835-8757 Website: Hardin County Emergency Management Phone: (409) 246-5119 Website: Orange County Office of Emergency Management Address: 11475 Fm 1442, Orange, TX 77630 Phone: (409) 882-7895 Website: Chambers County Emergency Management Address: 404 Washington Ave, Anahuac, TX 77514 Phone: (409) 267-2445 Website: Galveston County Emergency Management Address: 1353 Fm 646 Rd W Ste 201, Dickinson, TX 77539 Phone: (281) 309-5002 Jasper/Newton/Sabine County- JNS Emergency Management Address: 273 Pr 5230, Buna, TX [...]

Hurricane Assistance2020-08-27T10:04:57-05:00
22 08, 2017

Is Your PLOP a Flop?


Special Ed e-News at the Special Ed Connection advises that in the panic to write the IEP, cover all the necessary goals, objectives, benchmarks (if applicable), and figure out how to accurately measure progress, the PLOP (present levels of performance) often gets neglected. If you are into acronyms, the PLOP is known now as the PLAAFP. The Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance provide baseline information about your child’s knowledge and skills. Present levels are the starting point for setting IEP goals and measuring progress toward these goals. Here’s what IDEA 2004 says about the PLAAFP … The IEP must [...]

Is Your PLOP a Flop?2017-08-22T12:53:55-05:00
21 08, 2017

Does My Child’s 504 Plan Have to Be Reviewed at the Beginning of Each School Year?


Does my child’s 504 plan have to be revisited at the beginning of each school year? Is there a legal requirement to review it annually? No, unlike with IEPs, there’s no legal requirement to review a 504 plan each year. But it’s a good idea to have an annual 504 plan review meeting anyway. In fact, it’s hard to imagine a situation where you wouldn’t want to revisit the plan at the start of the year. The new school year brings a lot of changes for your child—such as new teachers, curriculum and classes. If your child is starting middle or [...]

Does My Child’s 504 Plan Have to Be Reviewed at the Beginning of Each School Year?2018-08-16T13:16:28-05:00
19 08, 2017

Back To School Tips That Work


Before school starts, read through the IEP to refresh your own memory. Talk over the learning goals with your child, especially those old enough to advocate for themselves. Then make sure each classroom teacher working with your child has a copy and understands the IEP’s intent.

Back To School Tips That Work2019-07-30T10:20:22-05:00
17 08, 2017

Talking to Your Child About Social and Emotional Issues


When your child struggles with social and emotional issues, it can be a challenge to talk to him about the issues he faces. Avoiding the subject isn’t helpful. But helping your child put it in perspective is. The goal is to let your child see himself as someone who struggles with specific things—not with everything. The first step is to isolate his area of difficulty and name it. This will give him a sense of control over his situation. Use language like, “You’re the kind of person who…” and “You and other kids….” Emphasizing that he’s not the only person who [...]

Talking to Your Child About Social and Emotional Issues2018-07-23T14:08:38-05:00


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