
8 08, 2017

Learning to Negotiate is Part of the Advocacy Process


Be specific! When you make a statement like “I want my child to have a free appropriate education,” this is like asking for a piece of string of unknown or undefined length. Your statement of “I want . . .” must be followed by a “because.” The “because” should come from your well-stated issues and your supporting factual evidence. Why? Because any issue that you identify as a grievance is a request that something be done differently than it is being done now. Techniques & Tactics 1. Listen carefully to the other side. If you listen carefully enough, you’ll find that [...]

Learning to Negotiate is Part of the Advocacy Process2018-07-12T14:53:51-05:00
7 08, 2017

TEA’s ESSA State Plan Draft Is Open for Comments


The draft of the Texas ESSA state plan has been posted online at: Comments on the plan can be made until August 29th, 2017.  However, the draft mentions disabilities very little. If anyone has any addition information on the state plan, please let us know. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has also posted the following video: […]

TEA’s ESSA State Plan Draft Is Open for Comments2018-07-23T14:12:22-05:00
7 08, 2017

How Can I Help My Child Cope With Anxiety About Going Back to School?


My son is anxious about going back to school, and the closer we get to the first day back, the worse it gets. He’s been acting out and throwing tantrums, saying he refuses to go. What can I do? Going back to school can be a stressful time for both parents and children. Starting a new school year can make kids nervous, especially if there will be changes from the previous year, such as a new school, new teachers or new peers. If your child seems very distressed about going back, here are some things to discuss with him. Find a [...]

How Can I Help My Child Cope With Anxiety About Going Back to School?2018-07-23T14:12:33-05:00
5 08, 2017

9 Tips to Help You Advocate for Your Child


1. Know the rules All public schools abide by specific laws and regulations which provide special services for children with disabilities who qualify for such services. The criteria for eligibility vary in each state and some school districts, but all schools must adhere to a minimum federal standard.  To learn more about the laws in your state and your rights as a parent, contact us. 2. Get to know the people who make decisions about your child’s education Connect with educators and administrators in both casual and formal settings. Talk with your child’s teacher on a regular basis. If possible, volunteer [...]

9 Tips to Help You Advocate for Your Child2018-07-12T13:52:39-05:00
3 08, 2017

Interactive Timeline Decision Tree


The Texas Education Agency and ESC 18 have developed the Timeline Decision Tree: The Child-Centered Special Education Process. This timeline is an interactive tool designed to help users understand the legal requirements of the special education process. Access the Timeline Decision Tree online >

Interactive Timeline Decision Tree2019-10-03T12:50:38-05:00
3 08, 2017

The Art of IEP Diplomacy


During IEP season the stakes are high. Parents and teachers alike go into those meetings full of emotions and ideas. Sometimes I am surprised that what is unsaid seems just as loud as what is actually said. In the past, I’ve made the mistake of going into an IEP angry. I did not get the best results for my son at that meeting. So I’ve been trying different tactics over the years, and I’ve made a conscious effort to learn the art of diplomacy in my words and actions. Diplomacy is the art of prioritizing alliances over battles. It has cost [...]

The Art of IEP Diplomacy2018-07-12T14:59:36-05:00


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