
25 01, 2017

Charter Schools


There is a lot of talk recently about charter schools at the national level. It will be some time before we know what, if anything, might change at the national level regarding charter schools. However, it is important to understand the current status of charter schools in Texas. Since 2005, Texas law has allowed charter schools. They are run by a variety of organizations, including some public schools. They receive state funds based on student attendance like public schools, but do not collect property taxes. They cannot charge tuition, so they have less funds per student than public schools. [...]

Charter Schools2017-06-30T15:34:37-05:00
25 01, 2017

Monitoring Progress: Questions Parents Should Ask & Discuss


Keeping up on a student’s progress towards meeting their IEP goals can save valuable time. Be sure that you know how each goal will be monitored and when instructional changes should be made. Regarding Strengths & Weaknesses ASK: What do you see as my child’s strengths, weaknesses– academically, behaviorally, and socially? DISCUSS: Your own thoughts about their strengths, weaknesses, interests, what motivates your child, what behaviors you see at home, and how your child feels about him/herself as a learner. […]

Monitoring Progress: Questions Parents Should Ask & Discuss2017-06-30T15:35:27-05:00
24 01, 2017

May a report card refer to an IEP or a plan for providing services under Section 504?


May a report card identify special education being provided for that student or otherwise indicate that the student has a disability? For instance, may the report card refer to an IEP or a plan for providing services under Section 504? Report cards indicate a child’s progress or level of achievement in specific classes, course content, or curriculum.  Consistent with this purpose, it would be permissible under Section 504 and Title II for a report card to indicate that a student is receiving special education or related services as long as the report card informs parents about their child’s progress or level [...]

May a report card refer to an IEP or a plan for providing services under Section 504?2017-06-30T15:36:40-05:00
23 01, 2017

How Does Mastery of Annual Goals Relate to Grading and Promotion?


TEC §28.0216 requires that school district grading policies: “(1) must require a classroom teacher to assign a grade that reflects the students’ relative mastery of an assignment; [and] (2) may not require a classroom teacher to assign a minimum grade for an assignment without regard to the student’s quality of work.” These rules apply to classroom assignments, examinations, and overall grades for each grading period. Because of this, teachers may not assign a grade based on effort, and schools cannot pass a student who has not mastered the curriculum. Since goals can be either academic or functional in nature, they either [...]

How Does Mastery of Annual Goals Relate to Grading and Promotion?2017-06-30T15:48:04-05:00
23 01, 2017

Si un estudiante recibe instrucción en el entorno del salón de recursos, ¿Las calificaciones se determinan con base en el progreso hacia sus metas del IEP o en el progreso hacia el dominio del plan de estudios?


Todos los estudiantes son estudiantes de educación general primero que nada. Para todos los estudiantes en el estado de Texas de los grados K-12, los estándares estatales son los TEKS. La colocación educativa de un estudiante no cambia los estándares del plan de estudios. Los estudiantes deben obtener calificaciones por las actividades a través de las cuales están accediendo a los estándares. La colocación en la que un estudiante recibe servicios no tiene relación con las calificaciones que recibe. El dominio relativo del TEKS, con o sin adaptaciones o modificaciones, es la base para calificar a un estudiante. [...]

Si un estudiante recibe instrucción en el entorno del salón de recursos, ¿Las calificaciones se determinan con base en el progreso hacia sus metas del IEP o en el progreso hacia el dominio del plan de estudios?2017-06-30T15:55:02-05:00
21 01, 2017

Quote of the Day


"Congress recognized that the students were not failing -- the schools were failing the students. And all through the 1997 IDEA Amendments, Congress demands that schools begin to do what they have promised that they would do for the past 22 years when they first starting taking the IDEA dollars -- to offer students with disabilities a chance at learning what the schools routinely offer to students without disabilities." Reed Martin, Attorney

Quote of the Day2017-06-30T15:48:48-05:00


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