back to school

19 02, 2018

It seems like the school is not following my child’s IEP… what can I do?


As a parent, it is important that you feel comfortable with what the IEP team agreed upon, and you must be kept informed that services and accommodations are actually being provided to your child. The following are some useful steps that parents can take to be sure that the IEP is implemented as it is written.

It seems like the school is not following my child’s IEP… what can I do?2019-08-19T10:41:23-05:00
21 08, 2017

Does My Child’s 504 Plan Have to Be Reviewed at the Beginning of Each School Year?


Does my child’s 504 plan have to be revisited at the beginning of each school year? Is there a legal requirement to review it annually? No, unlike with IEPs, there’s no legal requirement to review a 504 plan each year. But it’s a good idea to have an annual 504 plan review meeting anyway. In fact, it’s hard to imagine a situation where you wouldn’t want to revisit the plan at the start of the year. The new school year brings a lot of changes for your child—such as new teachers, curriculum and classes. If your child is starting middle or [...]

Does My Child’s 504 Plan Have to Be Reviewed at the Beginning of Each School Year?2018-08-16T13:16:28-05:00
19 08, 2017

Back To School Tips That Work


Before school starts, read through the IEP to refresh your own memory. Talk over the learning goals with your child, especially those old enough to advocate for themselves. Then make sure each classroom teacher working with your child has a copy and understands the IEP’s intent.

Back To School Tips That Work2019-07-30T10:20:22-05:00


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