
8 05, 2017

A Parent’s Guide to Effective Instruction for Students with Dyslexia


Reading problems are the most common type of academic underachievement. Especially for students with dyslexia, learning to read and write can be exceedingly difficult. Dyslexia and related reading and language difficulties are the result of neurobiological variations, but they can be treated with effective instruction. Effective instruction is instruction that is tied to student needs, as determined by diagnostic testing and evaluation. It is instruction delivered by knowledgeable and skilled individuals in a step-by-step fashion that leads to the achievement of desired outcomes or goals by targeting a student’s relative strengths and strengthening his or her relative weaknesses. Effective instruction also [...]

A Parent’s Guide to Effective Instruction for Students with Dyslexia2017-06-30T15:23:02-05:00
8 05, 2017

The Dyslexia-Stress-Anxiety Connection


Stress is the reaction of the body and brain to situations that put us in harm’s way. The stressor may be a physical threat (e.g., a baseball coming quickly toward you) or a psychological threat (e.g., a worry or fear that you will make a mistake delivering your lines in a play or write a passage that won’t make sense to the reader). Stress, or more specifically, the stress response, is our body’s attempt to keep us safe from harm. It’s a biological and psychological response. When we’re under stress, the chemistry of our body and [...]

The Dyslexia-Stress-Anxiety Connection2024-04-12T14:34:37-05:00
2 05, 2017

The State of LD: Understanding Learning and Attention Issues


1 in 5 children in the U.S. have learning and attention issues Children with dyslexia, ADHD and other kinds of learning and attention issues are as smart as their peers. But without the right support, many fall behind academically and struggle socially. They’re more likely to repeat a grade, get in trouble at school or with the law, drop out and struggle as adults to find work. But this downward spiral can be prevented. This data-intensive report form NCLD provides insights into the challenges facing the 1 in 5 as well as specifics on how to improve outcomes in school, work and [...]

The State of LD: Understanding Learning and Attention Issues2017-06-30T15:29:17-05:00
11 01, 2017

Screening, Diagnosing, and Progress Monitoring for Reading Fluency


Screening, diagnosing, and progress monitoring are essential to making sure that all students become fluent readers — and the words-correct per-minute (WCPM) procedure can work for all three. The only aspect of the procedure that has to change is the difficulty level of the text. For screening, passages are selected from text at the student’s grade level. For diagnosing, passages are selected at the student’s instructional level (which may be lower than her grade level). In this context, instructional level text is challenging but manageable, with the reader making errors on no more than one in 10 words (i.e., the reader [...]

Screening, Diagnosing, and Progress Monitoring for Reading Fluency2017-06-30T16:01:25-05:00
3 01, 2017

What Protective Factors Lead to Resilience in Students with Dyslexia?


Students with dyslexia often experience anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem at levels far above their peers without dyslexia (Mugnaini et al., 2009). Despite these significant risks, many students with dyslexia dyslexia display remarkably adaptive functional outcomes.This article focuses on the protective factors and potential mechanisms that play a role in the success and positive adjustment of these students. Read the full article - What Protective Factors Lead to Resilience in Students with Dyslexia?

What Protective Factors Lead to Resilience in Students with Dyslexia?2017-06-30T16:09:23-05:00
8 12, 2016

Teen with dyslexia shares how she uses technology to read and write


If you want to be inspired, check out this video and meet Nichelle, a freshman in high school with Dyslexia. She's had challenges with reading and writing since kindergarten - but that hasn't stopped her!  Hear how she has overcome her challenges and how using technology has helped her pull her grades up to A's and B's! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epd6Ui0a-gQ&feature=youtu.be&w=500

Teen with dyslexia shares how she uses technology to read and write2017-06-30T16:10:17-05:00


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