
11 07, 2018

7 Communication Skill Development Tips


Communication skills. How can parents encourage them in kids with special needs who are non-verbal? A post at Austisable (www.autisable.com) offers answers for parents asking that question. Communication Ideas for Parents The folks at Autisable asked speech experts to share their best tips for parents, and they came up with these seven suggestions. Although they are made with an eye towards kids with autism, they have value for kids with a variety of special needs. […]

7 Communication Skill Development Tips2018-07-23T14:30:29-05:00
17 01, 2018

What Treatments are Available for Speech, Language and Motor Issues for Children with Autism?


The following therapies—also called “allied health services”—address symptoms commonly associated with autism, but are not specific to the disorder. Speech-Language Therapy Most autism behavioral intensive therapy programs include speech-language therapy. With a variety of techniques, speech-language therapy addresses a range of challenges often faced by persons with autism. For instance, some individuals on the autism spectrum do not speak, while others love to talk but have difficulty using conversational speech and/or understanding the nuances of language and nonverbal cues when talking with others. Speech-language therapy is designed to coordinate the mechanics of speech with the meaning and social use of language. [...]

What Treatments are Available for Speech, Language and Motor Issues for Children with Autism?2018-07-23T14:24:33-05:00


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