The PEN Project is one of four federally funded Parent Training and Information Centers (PTI) serving Texas parents of children and youth with disabilities ages 0-26. We serve families living in ESC regions 9, 12, 14-19.

PEN Regional Coordinators are here for you! We can help you understand your child’s disability, understand your rights and responsibilities under IDEA, obtain and evaluate resources and services for your child, and fully participate as a team member with professionals in planning services for your child.

What kind of assistance does PEN offer?

  • Individual assistance over the phone and in-person
  • Workshops and webinars on a variety of special education topics
  • Access to resources such as printed publications and online courses

Contact us at 1.833.847.2686 or and we will put you in touch with the PEN Regional Coordinator helping parents and families in your area.

No. All of our services are provided at no cost to parents of infants, toddlers, children and youth with all types of disabilities.

Call us anyway! PEN offers many services and can provide contacts for other national, state and community resources, so chances are, there is something to fit your needs.

Bonnie Perez Ramirez
PEN Director

7400 Viscount Blvd. Suite 201,
El Paso, TX 79925
Phone 915.259.8717
Toll Free 1.833.847.2686

Meet Our Team

Bonnie Perez
Bonnie PerezPEN Director
Habla Español
Josue Gutierrez
Josue GutierrezActivity Coordinator
Habla Español
Region 9
Region 9
Phone: 915.259.8717
Michele Lemmers
Michele LemmersRegion 12
Phone: 254.275.1362
Jamie Thomas
Jamie ThomasRegions 14 & 15
Phone: 325.450.2774
Amanda Curtsinger
Amanda CurtsingerRegion 17
Phone: 806.281.3495
Melissa Repasch
Melissa RepaschRegion 18
Habla Español
Phone: 432.530.4382
Region 19
Habla Español
Phone: 915.494.3925