
20 02, 2019

Special Education Statewide Leadership Networks | Redes de Liderazgo del Estado


During the Special Education Statewide Leadership Networks webinar, Steven Prater, M.A., Technical Assistance Manager, TEA Division of Special Education, and Daniela Licona, Program Specialist, TEA Division of Special Education, provided an overview of the purpose of the 10 statewide leadership networks as outlined in the Special Education Strategic Plan.

Special Education Statewide Leadership Networks | Redes de Liderazgo del Estado2019-05-20T11:34:51-05:00
20 02, 2019

Create a Climate of High Expectations in Your Child’s Program


Too often expectations for children with special needs are not set high enough. When a high level of expectations is set, kids tend to strive to meet those expectations. Our kids want to be successful. It’s up to us to provide the environment for them to succeed.

Create a Climate of High Expectations in Your Child’s Program2019-05-20T11:38:21-05:00
18 02, 2019

5 Questions to Start Conversations About Using Terms Like Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia


Parents and educators may have different opinions about specific terms like dyslexia or more general terms like learning disabilities. Understanding these terms and agreeing on which to use can help prevent confusion and conflict.

5 Questions to Start Conversations About Using Terms Like Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia2019-05-20T11:46:30-05:00
6 02, 2019

Questions to Ask at Your Next ARD Meeting


Just hearing the word ARD (Admission Review and Dismissal meeting) can cause terror in some parents. I can remember sitting in my very first ARD meeting (in IDEA, this meeting is referred to as the IEP meeting). My husband was out of town and I did not know that I could take anyone with me, so I went by myself. I was brought in and given a chair at a very large table. The room was filled with people I had never seen before. To say that I felt intimidated is an understatement. I believe the only words I said were [...]

Questions to Ask at Your Next ARD Meeting2019-05-20T12:08:34-05:00
6 02, 2019

Understanding the Annual IEP Process


As a parent or youth over 18, your participation in creating an IEP is central to exercising your rights guaranteed by the IDEA. After a student is found eligible for an IEP, and a plan developed and agreed to by the IEP team, it is generally in place for one year. After that, an IEP meeting must be held. (A one year review is the minimum requirement, but meeting more frequently to check in or as problems arise is a good idea). The annual IEP meeting brings the IEP team together to review the student’s progress, and plan for the year [...]

Understanding the Annual IEP Process2019-05-20T12:18:36-05:00


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