
16 08, 2018

Amending an IEP without a Meeting


During the school year, a parent or another member of your child's IEP team might decide that a student’s IEP needs a slight adjustment that may not warrant a full team meeting. When changes are small or limited to a particular service, amending without waiting for a meeting can be a useful way to quickly enact the change. For example, a new semester or school year might mean that goals or services need tweaking to work in the new setting. These adjustments may not require consulting with the entire IEP team. Similarly, a conversation between the parent and a speech [...]

Amending an IEP without a Meeting2019-09-04T17:51:33-05:00
16 08, 2018

Strategies to Obtain Special Education Services


Planning and preparation are on-going activities that contribute significantly to success in the ARD process. You cannot control what others do, but you can control what you do. Being prepared for problem-solving in the ARD meeting will help you to become a full-meaningful participant in the meeting, as well as to be respected by the other ARD team members.

Strategies to Obtain Special Education Services2019-12-10T17:08:10-06:00
16 08, 2018

2018 State Determination Letters from OSERS


From the 2018 State Determination Letters from OSERS document revised July 24, 2018: The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services released State determinations on implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for Part B and Part C for fiscal year 2016. The 2004 Amendments to the IDEA require each State to develop a State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR) that evaluates the State’s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of the IDEA, and describes how the State will improve its implementation. The Part B SPP/APR and Part C SPP/APR include Indicators [...]

2018 State Determination Letters from OSERS2018-08-16T11:53:48-05:00
16 08, 2018

Summer’s Over – and Our ESY Services Never Happened!

2018-08-22T12:47:30-05:00 addressed this issue in a blog post: My child’s IEP said she was to receive ESY services – OT, PT, and Speech Therapy. ST was provided throughout the summer. There was no OT or PT. The district stated it was not able to find therapists. They said I could find a therapist, and I did. Then, the district failed to provide information in a timely manner to the therapy agency. No services were provided during summer. The school offered to provide these services during the school year to “make up.” But my child regressed in all of her motor skills [...]

Summer’s Over – and Our ESY Services Never Happened!2018-08-22T12:47:30-05:00
16 08, 2018

Response to Intervention: What Parents Need to Know


Disability Rights Texas has an infographic that explains RTI (Response to Intervention) and what parents need to know. According to Disability Rights Texas, “School districts in Texas have used RTI to delay getting some students special education evaluations but new laws passed in Texas are forcing schools to stop using this tactic. This infographic helps explain the process and your rights.” […]

Response to Intervention: What Parents Need to Know2018-08-16T09:20:51-05:00
6 08, 2018

Confidentiality and Access to Student Records


IDEA and other federal laws protect the confidentiality of your child’s education records. These safeguards address the following three aspects: the use of personally identifiable information; who may have access to your child’s records; and the rights of parents to inspect their child’s education records and request that these be amended to correct information that is misleading or inaccurate, or that violates the child’s privacy or other rights. […]

Confidentiality and Access to Student Records2018-08-06T13:36:26-05:00


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