
24 07, 2018

8 Things a Teacher Should Know about Your Child


For many of us the summer brings the opportunity to sleep in late, go to bed later, and generally have less structure around the home in regards to routines and meal times. With the start of school, there is an abrupt shift to following more rigid routines. It is often a difficult transition for parents, as well as children. Teachers are going through these same transitions: getting to know the personalities and learning styles of sometimes more than 20 children can be quite a challenge. If your child has special needs, it is especially important to share information with each member [...]

8 Things a Teacher Should Know about Your Child2018-07-24T15:07:26-05:00
23 07, 2018

Transportation and Children with Disabilities


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) includes transportation within its definition of “related services.” This means that students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) have the right to receive special transportation services if it is needed. Transportation and assistance may be provided to a child whose disability requires the child to: go to and from school; travel between schools; or move around inside of school buildings or around the school grounds. Some students with disabilities need special equipment such as separate or adapted buses, lifts and ramps. For example: Jenny uses a power wheelchair to get around her school. She has an IEP. She [...]

Transportation and Children with Disabilities2019-05-23T16:56:47-05:00
23 07, 2018

Individual Educational Evaluations (IEEs) and Dismissing a Student from Special Education


The federal Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) recently posted a response to a letter on the topic of Individual Educational Evaluations (IEEs) and dismissing a student from special education. The question was whether the child must continue to receive services while an IEE was being completed, if the school agreed to provide an IEE. The response is that the school could elect to continue services, but was not required to. However, the letter points out that if a request for a due process hearing is made, “the child involved in the complaint must remain in his or her current educational placement, [...]

Individual Educational Evaluations (IEEs) and Dismissing a Student from Special Education2018-07-23T13:59:21-05:00
18 07, 2018

Special Education Corrective Action Response Requirements and Timelines


Yesterday, 7/17/2018, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) posted a letter to schools on actions in the special education corrective action plan that schools must begin preparing to do. Schools must: Collect and retain requests for evaluation data that includes the reason for the request and whether additional services are needed including the timeline for implementation. Annually distribute information to every enrolled student’s family regarding the following: child find and FAPE requirements under IDEA parent and students’ rights under IDEA contact information necessary to request an initial evaluation for a student they suspect of having a disability Confirm that their local special [...]

Special Education Corrective Action Response Requirements and Timelines2018-07-23T13:59:49-05:00
12 07, 2018

Learning the Rules of the Game


Parent: “We should be able to trust the system to do what’s right for our kids.” In theory, this sounds good. But when you are dealing with a child with disabilities, there will always be disagreements. You simply will not get agreement from the number of participants who are required to be in these team meetings. Schools are in the decision-making process for the short-term. As a parent, you are in it for the long-term. Eventually, your child will leave the public school system. If he/she is does not receive an appropriate education, will the teacher, the school principal or director [...]

Learning the Rules of the Game2018-07-12T15:38:55-05:00
12 07, 2018

How to Disagree with the IEP Team Without Starting World War III


Many parents have questions about what to do when they are presented with an IEP that is not appropriate for their child. You should advise the IEP team that you don’t think the IEP is appropriate, that it does not provide your child with enough help or the right kind of help. You should use facts to support your position (i.e., facts from an evaluation of your child from a private sector evaluator, graphs of your child’s test scores). Be polite but firm. Tip: Think how Miss Manners handles difficult situations and use this idea to guide you. [...]

How to Disagree with the IEP Team Without Starting World War III2019-02-27T13:36:37-06:00


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