
6 08, 2021

New Public Health Guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA)


The Texas Education Agency (TEA) released a new guidance document on August 5, 2021, title "Public Health Guidance". This guidance addresses: on-campus instruction, non-UIL extracurricular sports and activities, and any other activities that students must complete.

New Public Health Guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA)2021-09-01T21:44:10-05:00
18 03, 2021

Can I record my child’s ARD meeting?


Texas recording law stipulates that Texas is a one-party consent state. So either party, parents or the school, can record without the other knowing. Doing this however, would likely undermine the relationship between the parent and the school.

Can I record my child’s ARD meeting?2021-09-01T21:44:10-05:00
16 03, 2021

Updates to TEA’s Notice of Procedural Safeguards, Parent’s Guide, and Dispute Resolution Handbook


In October 2020, the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) required the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to make several edits to these documents. A summary of changes for each of these two documents can be found on the “Updates” tab of the Legal Framework.

Updates to TEA’s Notice of Procedural Safeguards, Parent’s Guide, and Dispute Resolution Handbook2021-09-01T21:44:10-05:00
11 03, 2021

Key Parental Rights in Special Education


Dustin Rynders, Disability Rights Texas provides an overview of key parental rights in special education including and practical tips on how to protect their child’s interest. The presentation will include identification, evaluation, ARD procedures, placement and discipline protections.

Key Parental Rights in Special Education2021-09-01T21:44:10-05:00


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