
6 12, 2017

13 Holiday Survival Tips For Your Child With Special Needs


While most children live for the holiday season, it can be an extremely stressful time of year for children with autism and other forms of learning disability. The disruption to their routine, unfamiliar sights and smells, the house full of noise and people – it can all prove too much. Holidays are all about the family, but it can be hard keeping everyone happy. The following tips for surviving the holiday season have been contributed to Scope by parents of children and adults with special needs. The general consensus seems to be to plan ahead. Whether that’s creating a visual story [...]

13 Holiday Survival Tips For Your Child With Special Needs2018-07-23T14:29:46-05:00
6 12, 2017

7 Communication Skill Development Tips for Non-Verbal Kids


How can parents encourage them in kids with special needs who are non-verbal? The folks at Autisable asked speech experts to share their best tips for parents, and they came up with these seven suggestions. Although they are made with an eye towards kids with autism, they have value for kids with a variety of special needs. […]

7 Communication Skill Development Tips for Non-Verbal Kids2018-07-23T14:13:09-05:00
27 11, 2017

Is Your Child Gifted and Needs Special Education?


“Your child is gifted and needs special education?” Many parents are all too familiar with this kind of comment. You may hear it from friends. From family. Even from some teachers and doctors. Yet there are lots of people who have exceptional ability in some academic areas and significant learning difficulties in other areas. Educators use a special name to describe students who qualify for gifted programs as well as special education services. These children are referred to as “twice-exceptional” learners. “Some organizations estimate that there are hundreds of thousands of twice-exceptional learners in U.S. schools.” Consider Tessa: She’s a bright, [...]

Is Your Child Gifted and Needs Special Education?2018-07-23T14:13:28-05:00
20 11, 2017

Least Restrictive Environment, Mainstreaming, and Inclusion


Least restrictive environment refers to the IDEA’s mandate that students with disabilities should be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with peers without disabilities. The LRE mandate ensures that schools educate students with disabilities in integrated settings, alongside students with and without disabilities, to the maximum extent appropriate.

Least Restrictive Environment, Mainstreaming, and Inclusion2019-07-02T11:49:19-05:00
15 11, 2017

Accommodations & Modifications


Every child with a disability has a right to attend general education classes and to have accommodations and modifications so they can be successful in those classes. These can include changes in the method of instruction, the curriculum, and the environment. Accommodations and modifications are important tools for a child to successfully accomplish Individualized Education Programs (IEP) goals and objectives and participate actively with other students in classroom and school activities. Accommodations are changes in how a student accesses information and demonstrates learning. Accommodations do not substantially change the instructional level, content, or performance criteria. The changes are made in order [...]

Accommodations & Modifications2019-10-03T11:16:33-05:00


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