
15 11, 2017

5 Benefits of Inclusion Classrooms


If your child is eligible for special education services, you may worry he’ll be placed in a different classroom than other kids his age. But most kids might be place in classrooms that are known as inclusion (or inclusive) classrooms. In an inclusion classroom, the general and special education teachers work together to meet your child’s needs. This is key. As Carl A. Cohn, Ed.D., executive director of the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, points out, “It’s important for parents to realize that special education students are first and foremost general education students.” Many schools have inclusion classrooms. In part, that’s [...]

5 Benefits of Inclusion Classrooms2019-10-03T10:50:32-05:00
15 11, 2017

5 Inclusion Myths & Facts


Inclusion helps everyone become a contributing member of a community. Teachers report that the overall classroom climate becomes more respectful and productive when students with disabilities are included.

5 Inclusion Myths & Facts2020-08-04T13:31:20-05:00
10 11, 2017

Changes in Texas Law on Bullying


The Texas legislature has passed a law (SB 179) that adds to the rules on harassment, bullying and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor. Starting September 1, 2017, notice of alleged bullying must be given to the parent of the target student on or before the third business day after the incident is reported.  The alleged bully’s parent is to be notified within a “reasonable time.” Chapter 37 is amended to allow for expulsion or DAEP for a student who 1) engages in bullying that encourages suicide; 2) incites violence through group bullying; or 3) releases or threatens [...]

Changes in Texas Law on Bullying2025-01-09T11:11:16-06:00
9 11, 2017

What is a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)?


When a child with a disability engages in behavior or breaks a code of conduct and the school proposes to remove the child, the school must hold a hearing to determine if the child’s behavior was caused by his disability. This hearing, a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR), is a process to review all relevant information and the relationship between the child’s disability and the behavior. Consequences for problem behaviors should not discriminate against a child based on his disability. Yet, schools continue to suspend and expel students with disabilities for behavior caused by their disabilities. Based on practical experience, Attorney Bill [...]

What is a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)?2017-11-09T13:26:46-06:00
9 11, 2017

My Child’s 504 Plan Doesn’t Seem to Be Working. Now What?


Are you concerned your child’s 504 plan isn’t working? Sometimes 504 plans need to be adjusted to better serve your child and help her make progress. Here are steps you can take if you think your child’s 504 plan isn’t working. 1. Define what “not working” means to you. The first step is to identify why you think the 504 plan isn’t working. Maybe you expected your child to improve in certain areas or have higher grades because of the 504 plan. Maybe you’re concerned that there’s a snag or mix-up with your child’s services and supports. You might think she needs different accommodations or [...]

My Child’s 504 Plan Doesn’t Seem to Be Working. Now What?2018-07-23T14:15:32-05:00


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