
30 10, 2017

Student Progress Monitoring: What This Means for Your Child


Progress monitoring can give you and your child’s teacher information that can help your child learn more and learn faster, and help you make better decisions about the type of instruction that will work best with your child. Our children’s progress is being monitored constantly at school, through the steady stream of homework assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, and standardized tests. On first hearing the term “student progress monitoring,” our initial reaction may be “they’re doing this already!” or “more tests?” But do you really know how much your child is learning or progressing? Standardized tests compare your child’s performance with other [...]

Student Progress Monitoring: What This Means for Your Child2017-10-30T16:45:56-05:00
25 10, 2017

I Don’t Think My Child’s IEP Is Working as Well as It Should, What Do I Do?


Before scheduling an IEP meeting to discuss your concern, do some homework. Your initial concern may not be the primary cause of your child’s difficulty. 1. List each of your concerns. Next, look for data to support your concerns. Talk with the teacher  informally if this feels comfortable. 2. Gather your child’s IEP and any assessments. If you aren’t sure you have everything, write a letter asking the school to provide you with copies. The school has 5 days to provide you with the information that you requested. 3. Review the assessments and IEP papers and make sure you understand these documents. [...]

I Don’t Think My Child’s IEP Is Working as Well as It Should, What Do I Do?2018-11-28T09:16:42-06:00
23 10, 2017

Temporary Student Absences


We have been hearing from more parents about issues with schools about their child’s absences. There is a Guidance document on this topic (Temporary Absences of Children with Disabilities) on the Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) special education webpage. The Guidance document begins by addressing the recent law that allows students with autism to attend school and also leave for an appointment with a health care professional. (TEC 25.087(b-3)

Temporary Student Absences2019-05-23T16:38:05-05:00
23 10, 2017

Texas Virtual School Network


The Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) provides Texas students and schools with equitable access to quality online courses and instructors. It is a valuable resource for interactive, collaborative, instructor-led online courses taught by state-certified and appropriately credentialed teachers trained in effective online instruction. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) under the leadership of the commissioner of education, administers the TxVSN, sets standards for and approves TxVSN courses and professional development for online teachers, and has fiscal responsibility for the network. Education Service Center (ESC) Region 10 oversees the day-to-day operations of the TxVSN network. The TxVSN is made up of two components—the [...]

Texas Virtual School Network2017-10-23T16:03:54-05:00
23 10, 2017

The Texas Academic Achievement Record (AAR)


Parents are often confused about the rules regarding course credits, graduation programs/plans, and what a school can do regarding course accommodations and content modification. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) develops a Minimum Standards for the AAR document each year.  The information in this post, much of it quoted heavily from the TEA document, can assist parents during ARD/IEP meetings to explore available options, if standard high school courses and/or content do not seem appropriate. “Each school district shall report the academic achievement record of students who have completed a minimum (MHSP), recommended (RHSP), or advanced (distinguished) high school program (DAP) on [...]

The Texas Academic Achievement Record (AAR)2019-10-03T14:17:23-05:00
23 10, 2017

Excerpts from the Texas Dyslexia Handbook


Chuck Noe, PRN Education Specialist, shares excerpts of interest from the Texas Dyslexia Handbook (available online at “Texas has a long history of supporting the fundamental skill of reading. This history includes a focus on early identification and intervention for children who experience reading difficulties, including dyslexia.” and determining a student's reading and spelling abilities and difficulties “In Texas, assessment for dyslexia is conducted from kindergarten through grade 12.”(page 6) New legislation includes the following: TEC §21.044(c)(2) outlines the curriculum requirement for institutions of higher education for teacher preparation to include the characteristics of dyslexia, identification of dyslexia, and multisensory strategies [...]

Excerpts from the Texas Dyslexia Handbook2019-10-03T12:30:32-05:00


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