
10 10, 2017

Is My Child Making Progress Towards IEP Goals?


By the time “Mrs. Bailey” contacted a professional to evaluate her son, she had been receiving quarterly progress reports from his public school for five years, telling her that Kevin was making progress toward achieving the academic goals listed in his Individualized Education Program (IEP). However, her observations of Kevin’s homework and the graded school work that came home didn’t match the school’s evaluation, and she wanted a psychologist to provide a “second opinion.” The outside evaluation confirmed his mother’s concerns — he had deficits in math calculation and written expression skills. In fact, Kevin’s written expression skills were severely delayed [...]

Is My Child Making Progress Towards IEP Goals?2019-07-02T15:29:28-05:00
9 10, 2017

9 Things Every Parent Should Know About the “10 Day Rule”


Sometimes, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Consider, for example, the widespread belief that there is a ten day limit on the number of days that a child with disabilities can be suspended from school. As with many widespread beliefs, the common version of the rule is only partially true. Here are nine things that every parent should know about the so-called “ten-day” rule and the laws governing the suspension of children with disabilities who are entitled to services under IDEA: […]

9 Things Every Parent Should Know About the “10 Day Rule”2018-07-23T14:21:05-05:00
4 10, 2017

Writing IEP Goals


Creating an IEP with a team of people who are all there to design a good educational program for one unique child can be a pleasure. It can also be very productive. When the whole team has the same level of understanding about IEPs, it is even better. Sounds like crazy talk? Just ask those who have seen it happen. The big winner here is the child. A Lesson in Writing IEP Goals An IEP is good educational programming. Good IEPs set the standard for good education. Each part of the IEP addresses an important part of educational planning. The IEP [...]

Writing IEP Goals2019-10-03T14:35:16-05:00
4 10, 2017

5 Common Techniques for Helping Struggling Students


Teachers know that students walk into their classrooms with a wide range of abilities. But teachers try to find ways to meet the needs of all students, including those with learning and attention issues. Here are five common teaching methods. 1. Differentiated Instruction With this approach, teachers change and switch around what students need to learn, how they’ll learn it, and how to get the material across to them. When a student struggles in one area, the teacher creates a plan that includes extra practice, step-by-step directions, and special homework. Find out more about differentiated instruction. 2. Scaffolding This is a [...]

5 Common Techniques for Helping Struggling Students2019-10-03T10:56:23-05:00
3 10, 2017

Protections for Students Not Yet Identified as Eligible for Special Education


The parent may assert any of the IDEA protections (i.e. manifestation determination, due process hearing, mediation, complaint, and functional behavior assessment) if the LEA has knowledge that the student is a student with a disability before the behavior that precipitated the disciplinary action occurs. When a parent asserts IDEA protections, the LEA must determine if it has a basis of knowledge or not. […]

Protections for Students Not Yet Identified as Eligible for Special Education2018-07-23T14:21:22-05:00
2 10, 2017

Is Your Child’s PLAAFP a Flop? Webinar


Join us on October 17 @ 12:15 p.m. CST for this FREE webinar where we will discuss a key component of your child’s IEP - the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP). Why is the PLAAFP important?  Think of the IEP as a road map guiding your child from a beginning level of performance to a higher level of performance.  To plan effectively, you need to know where your child is starting out and what obstacles he or she may face along the way. Present levels (PLAAFP) are the starting point for setting IEP goals and measuring progress toward these goals. Register at

Is Your Child’s PLAAFP a Flop? Webinar2018-07-23T14:06:00-05:00


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