Response to Intervention

16 08, 2018

Response to Intervention: What Parents Need to Know


Disability Rights Texas has an infographic that explains RTI (Response to Intervention) and what parents need to know. According to Disability Rights Texas, “School districts in Texas have used RTI to delay getting some students special education evaluations but new laws passed in Texas are forcing schools to stop using this tactic. This infographic helps explain the process and your rights.” […]

Response to Intervention: What Parents Need to Know2018-08-16T09:20:51-05:00
12 02, 2018

New FAQ’s about RtI and Children Not Eligible for Special Education


Response to Intervention (RtI) is an approach that schools use to help all students, including struggling learners. The RtI approach gives Texas students opportunities to learn and work at their grade level. The idea is to help all students be successful. Senate Bill (SB) 1153, 85th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, changed Texas Education Code (TEC), Section 26.0081. The changes require the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to update the Student Handbook Statement. The changes also require local educational agencies (LEAs) to provide parents with notice whenever their child begins to receive intervention strategies (Response to Intervention, RtI). The notice must contain specific [...]

New FAQ’s about RtI and Children Not Eligible for Special Education2018-02-13T09:08:54-06:00
18 10, 2017

RTI and Reading: Response to Intervention in a Nutshell


The effort to understand Response to Intervention (RTI) has occupied many thousands of hours and hundreds of position and policy statements, white papers, consensus documents, and research articles. RTI is a process intended to shift educational resources toward the delivery and evaluation of instruction, and away from classification of disabilities. RTI is not a particular method or instructional approach. The success of RTI depends on the timely delivery of research-based instruction by highly qualified instructors. Although RTI can be implemented at any grade level, it is likely that the development of language and literacy skills will be addressed most prominently in [...]

RTI and Reading: Response to Intervention in a Nutshell2018-07-23T14:16:55-05:00


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