
9 03, 2021

“We are addressing your child’s behavior through their IEP. An FBA and BIP are not needed.”


Sometimes when parents are requesting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and/or behavior intervention plan (BIP), the school may respond with the comment, "We are addressing your child's behavior through their IEP. An FBA and BIP are not needed." 

“We are addressing your child’s behavior through their IEP. An FBA and BIP are not needed.”2021-09-01T21:44:10-05:00
29 08, 2019

What is an FBA and How Is It Used?


When a child with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) has challenging behaviors in school that are not improving, parents may request a re-evaluation to more closely examine the behaviors of concern. As part of that re-evaluation, a district may conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) to identify special education and related services and develop or modify a behavioral intervention plan.

What is an FBA and How Is It Used?2019-11-04T15:43:17-06:00
3 10, 2017

Protections for Students Not Yet Identified as Eligible for Special Education


The parent may assert any of the IDEA protections (i.e. manifestation determination, due process hearing, mediation, complaint, and functional behavior assessment) if the LEA has knowledge that the student is a student with a disability before the behavior that precipitated the disciplinary action occurs. When a parent asserts IDEA protections, the LEA must determine if it has a basis of knowledge or not. […]

Protections for Students Not Yet Identified as Eligible for Special Education2018-07-23T14:21:22-05:00
25 09, 2017

Manifestation Determination Q&A


What recourse does a parent have if he or she disagrees with the determination that his or her child’s behavior was not a manifestation of the child’s disability? The regulations, in 34 CFR §300.532(a), provide that the parent of a child with a disability who disagrees with the manifestation determination under 34 CFR §300.530(e) may appeal the decision by requesting a hearing.  A parent also has the right to file a State complaint alleging a denial of a free appropriate public education and to request voluntary mediation under 34 CFR §300.506.”  U.S. Department of Education,,root,dynamic,QaCorner,7,.html […]

Manifestation Determination Q&A2017-10-02T14:25:14-05:00
19 09, 2017

How Can We Help Kids With Transitions?


Many children struggle with transitions, which are common triggers for behaviors that range from annoying (whining, stalling) to upsetting (tantrums and meltdowns). There are many ways parents and teacher can help kids have an easier time with transitions — and be able to behave better—but  it may take a little experimentation to find out what clicks with each particular child. These tools are useful  to help kids of all stripes with transitions. But for kids with ADHD, anxiety, autism, or sensory processing, this kind of scaffolding is particularly crucial and can make the difference between a good day and a bad one. Over a period [...]

How Can We Help Kids With Transitions?2018-07-23T14:06:42-05:00


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