29 11, 2018

Is It an Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) or ADHD?


Does your child struggle to block out background noise, follow conversations or pronounce words correctly? She may have an auditory processing disorder. Henry is fidgety and distractible during classroom activities, according to his second grade teacher. During gym class, he gets cranky and lashes out at classmates who “are yelling at me and telling me what to do.” His mother has noticed similar behaviors at home. When he’s doing homework, she says, “He uses every little sound as an excuse to delay getting down to work.” Even the dishwasher distracts him, despite the fact that the kitchen is on the other [...]

Is It an Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) or ADHD?2019-05-22T13:40:51-05:00
15 05, 2018

FAQs About Evaluations for Learning and Attention Issues


Deciding to have your child evaluated for learning and attention issues is a big step. You may have questions about the process. Here are some frequently asked questions about evaluations from What are the benefits of getting my child evaluated? The evaluation process can provide more information about the specific issues that are causing your child’s difficulty with learning. It’s also a way to see if your child is eligible for special education services. Having special education services can give your child extra support in the classroom to make learning a little easier. […]

FAQs About Evaluations for Learning and Attention Issues2018-07-23T14:40:37-05:00
4 10, 2017

5 Common Techniques for Helping Struggling Students


Teachers know that students walk into their classrooms with a wide range of abilities. But teachers try to find ways to meet the needs of all students, including those with learning and attention issues. Here are five common teaching methods. 1. Differentiated Instruction With this approach, teachers change and switch around what students need to learn, how they’ll learn it, and how to get the material across to them. When a student struggles in one area, the teacher creates a plan that includes extra practice, step-by-step directions, and special homework. Find out more about differentiated instruction. 2. Scaffolding This is a [...]

5 Common Techniques for Helping Struggling Students2019-10-03T10:56:23-05:00
26 09, 2017

Identifying Struggling Students


Early and accurate identification of learning disabilities and ADHD in schools can set struggling students on a path for success. But identification can be influenced by many factors—and too often is not happening early enough. Not all children with learning and attention issues are identified in school as having a disability. Students who are identified by schools as having a disability may qualify for one of two types of assistance. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) provides specially designed instruction, accommodations, modifications and related services such as speech-language therapy to students who qualify for special education. A 504 plan provides accommodations and [...]

Identifying Struggling Students2018-07-23T14:06:15-05:00
11 09, 2017

Does ADHD Raise the Risk of Mental Health Issues?


Children who have ADHD are more likely than other kids to experience other mental health problems. A recent study followed kids with ADHD from the age of 8 into adulthood. It found that those with ADHD are at greater risk for behavioral issues, learning issues, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and self-injury. Adolescence is when kids with ADHD are most at risk of developing another issue. Knowledge, though, means power. Learn what behaviors and symptoms might develop and how to spot them. Then you can take action early. This will result in a much better outcome for your child. [...]

Does ADHD Raise the Risk of Mental Health Issues?2017-09-11T16:31:57-05:00


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