Texas Workforce Commission (TWC): Vocational Rehabilitation

The TWC Vocational Rehabilitation program helps people with disabilities:

  • Prepare for, find or retain employment, and
  • Helps youth and students prepare for post-secondary opportunities.

Watch this video to learn more.

Dude, Where's My Transition Plan? booklet cover

What is Transition Planning?

Transition services and goals in your Individualized Education Program (IEP) are intended to help you get ready for what you want to do when you graduate from high school. Your IEP shows where you are going and how you are going to get there. “Individualized” means about you. Your IEP should show the goals you want to reach and the supports you need to reach them.

Paying attention to what’s in your IEP is how you can make sure that you learn the skills in high school to do what you want with your life after you graduate.

4 Steps for Stronger Self-Advocacy

What is a Summary of Performance (SOP)?

All high school students receiving special education services who are graduating or exiting due to age must have a Summary of Performance (SOP) when they leave high school. One of the main goals of the SOP is to foster access to postsecondary supports for students with disabilities.

The SOP is tied to the information in your IEP, but it is a separate document which condenses and organizes key information about you, the student. The SOP includes a summary of the existing data and your performance in academic and functional areas. It also includes recommendations on how to assist you in meeting your postsecondary goals.

Youth Self-Advocacy

Transition means changing from one thing to another. Transitions can be exciting because the next step you take will be a whole new adventure.

Transitions can also be a little scary because you might have to learn how to do things you haven’t done before

However, none of this will occur without self-determination (knowing what you want and need) and self-advocacy (speaking up for yourself).

Tips for Internet Safety

Don't Share Your Personal Information

Don’t share your last name, home address, school name, age or phone number.

Be Careful When Creating Usernames

Do not include personal information like your last name or date of birth.

Use Privacy Settings on Social Media

Set it so that people can only be added as your friend or to contact you if you approve it.

Youth Leadership News

Check out the current issue of the Youth Leadership News for information on:

  • Employment,
  • Student rights after high school,
  • Self-determination, and
  • Much more!

Independent Futures that Work!